Sponzorsko izlaganje

Radka Krivankova

Emerald Publishing

Emerald Publishing – Making Real Impact happen

We’re a vibrant business full of energy and passion about making research count. Going beyond the bounds of a traditional publisher, we want to be a facilitator of impact, encouraging equitable, healthy and sustainable research and publishing for all. Our goals: Fairer society | Healthier lives | Responsible management | Quality education for all.

Keywords: real impact, open access publishing, social science publisher


Sponzorsko izlaganje

Olga Dryn

McGraw Hill

Future Trends in Medical Education: A Publisher’s Perspective

Future Trends in Medical Education: A Publisher’s Perspective How can we empower medical educators to train doctors of the future, given the ever-changing landscape of medicine and demanding student learning needs? Today’s medical students have a wealth of information available to them, but do they understand the importance of identifying and using trusted medical resources for foundational learning and clinical reference in a world cluttered with unreliable information? Medical faculty are facing ongoing pressures to alter old teaching strategies and embrace new active learning, but how do we bridge the gap between classroom learning and clinical practice?

This session explores how eLearning resources and new teaching pedagogies can provide the foundation for this journey of change and support teachers with the most up-to-date and continually updated information and learning methods.

Keywords: McGraw Hill AccessMedicine


Sponzorsko izlaganje

Jon Nielsen


Research Statistics and Market Data with Statista

Statista is the most used platform for statistics and market data worldwide, offering an access to more than 1 million statistics on 80,000 topics collected from more than 22,500 sources and Statista’s own primary research.

At the conference, Statista shows how the platform is used at universities.

Keywords: Statista, research statistics, market data



Topic: Sponzorski blok II
Hosted By: Virtualno Admin
Start: Četvrtak, ruj 30, 2021 17:30
Category: 17. dani specijalnih i visokoškolskih knjižnica
Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes
Current Timezone: UTC

Note: Countdown time is shown based on your local timezone.