47. izborna Skupština Hrvatskoga knjižničarskog društva

Zadar, II Palače, 5. – 8. listopada 2022.


7. 10. 2022. – tematski blok 2

Knjižničarska profesija u novim okolnostima

Polivalentna dvorana

17:00 – 18:30

Moderiraju: Dijana Machala, Jasenka Pleško, Marijana Tomić


Invited speaker

Dr. Sandra Hirsh is Associate Dean for Academics in the College of Professional and Global Education at San José State University (SJSU). She previously served as Professor and Director of the SJSU School of Information for ten years. She is immediate Past President of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) and Past President of the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T). She currently serves as a standing committee member on IFLA’s Section on Education and Training (SET) and as chair of the ALA Committee on Education. She co-founded and co-chairs the global virtual Library 2.0 conference series (https://www.library20.com/). The third edition of her foundational textbook – Information Services Today: An Introduction – was published in March 2022 by Rowman & Littlefield. She holds both a bachelor’s degree and Ph.D. from UCLA and a MLIS degree from the University of Michigan.

Sandy Hirsh

Associate Dean for Academics in the College of Professional and Global Education at San José State University (SJSU)

Core competencies for librarianship: how ALA’s updated competencies will guide the profession into the future


Over the past decade, there have been dynamic shifts in how librarians and libraries serve their communities. Every sector of librarianship now demands professionals who are competent in emergency technologies, EDI, social justice, and innovation while also providing a menu of literacy skills now sought after by most information users. Since 2017, the ALA has been working on updating their 2009 core competencies of librarianship to address the needs of the library profession today. Dr. Sandra Hirsh, Chair of the ALA Committee on Education and Associate Dean for Academics in the College of Professional and Global Education at San Jose State University will highlight the process of updating ALA’s core competency for librarianship, and why these updates are important for the profession. She will then lead a panel discussion that will address these changes, how core competencies are identified and adopted, and how these updates will influence LIS education and professional development for librarians.

Invited speakers

Dr. Clara M. Chu is Director of the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs and Mortenson Distinguished Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is a leading voice in international and multicultural library and information science (LIS) education, research and practice, and a Research Associate in the Department of Information Science at the University of Pretoria. Dr. Chu publishes, presents and consults worldwide in English and Spanish on equity, diversity, inclusion, accessibility and development (EDIAD) in global context, strategic planning, and emerging technologies and trends. She is Coeditor-in-Chief of Library Trends, and serves on the board of the International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion.
              An active association leader, Dr. Chu is a past president of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) and the Association for Library and Information Science Education, and Co-Chair of the IFLA Building Strong LIS Education working group. She was an American Library Association (ALA) representative on the U.S. National Commission for UNESCO, and Past-Chair of the ALA Serving Refugees, Immigrants and Displaced Persons Sub-Committee. She is the recipient of numerous honors, including the 2018 ALA Beta Phi Mu Award for distinguished service to education for librarianship.
Dr. Jayarani Raju is Full Professor and Head of the Department of Knowledge and Information Stewardship, Humanities Faculty, University of Cape Town. She holds a PhD in Information Studies from the former University of Natal (now University of KwaZulu-Natal), South Africa.
              She is a specialist researcher and author in Library and/or Information Science (LIS) education and its epistemological implications for the discipline as well as for professional practice, particularly in the African developing context.
              Her research focus is the development of research-based LIS competency indexes which may be used i) to ascertain existing knowledge and skills in professional sites of practice and to identify areas for further knowledge and skills acquisition; and, ii) by LIS educators and researchers for curriculum review and renewal – with both instances of research heuristically contributing to ongoing critical epistemology on the evolution of the LIS discipline in a highly digitised and rapidly evolving global information environment.
              She was Editor-in-Chief of the South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science from 2012 to 2018; serves on the Editorial Advisory Boards of the African Journal of Libraries, Archives and Information Science; International Journal of Information, Diversity & Inclusion; Open Information Science; African Journal of Communication & Information Science; Information Research; Journal of Librarianship & Information Science; is inaugural co-editor of the ALISE (Association for Library and Information Science Education) Book Series on LIS education and research; and, was co-editor of the International Insights Column of College & Research Libraries News from 2018 to 2022. She is currently Co-editor-in-Chief of Library Trends.
              She has published in peer-reviewed national and international journals and has also presented papers at local, national and international meetings. Jaya Raju is currently Co-Chair of IFLA’s Building Strong LIS Education (BSLISE), an active global network of LIS educators and researchers. She is an NRF (South African National Research Foundation) rated researcher. Since 2018 she has been Subject Chair for Library and Information Science and multi-disciplinary journals on the Scopus Content Selection & Advisory Board – an international group of scientists and researchers representing major scientific disciplines and tasked with evaluating journals applying for inclusion on the Scopus indexing list.

Dr. Clara M. Chu

Director of the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs and Mortenson; Distinguished Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Dr. Jayarani Raju

Full Professor and Head of the Department of Knowledge and Information Stewardship, Humanities Faculty, University of Cape Town

Introducing the IFLA Guidelines for Professional Library and Information Science (LIS) Education Programmes


In a context of global diversity in library and information science (LIS) education, a need was recognized for an international framework for the assessment of quality standards in LIS education as well as for professional competencies for transferability and reciprocity. Guidelines were created to respond to this need identified in a survey with 101 countries participating and reported in the Building Strong LIS Education: A Call to Global and Local Action – An IFLA BSLISE Working Group White Paper (IFLA BSLISE Working Group, 2018. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.15641/0-7992-2542-6). On April 1, 2022, the IFLA Professional Council endorsed the IFLA Guidelines for Professional Library and Information Science (LIS) Education Programmes, which were authored by the BSLISE (Building Strong Library and Information Science Education) working group, an initiative of the IFLA Section on Education and Training (SET), Section on Library Theory and Research (LTR), and the LIS Education in Developing Countries SIG.

              The Guidelines serve as a framework for developing LIS education programmes, which stakeholders can apply in planning, developing and assessing the quality of LIS education and in identifying the knowledge areas LIS professionals need in order to practice and continue to develop. They are grounded in the principles of equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility, and focus LIS education on eight foundational knowledge areas (FKAs). These Guidelines will assist programmes as they continue to adapt to changing professional needs, as well as allow for greater degrees of mobility of LIS professionals across the globe. This presentation aims to introduce the Guidelines and to engage LIS professionals, educators, students, associations and stakeholders in considering a future of LIS education that is interdisciplinary, innovative, and transformative, in the preparation and development of LIS professionals.

Pozvano izlaganje

prof. dr. sc. Jadranka Stojanovski, dr. sc. Mate Juric

Sveučilište u Zadru

Jasenka Pleško

Knjižnice grada Zagreba

Samoprocjene kompetencija i opsega poslova hrvatskih knjižničara

Razvoj visokoškolskog obrazovanja u dinamičnom informacijskom okruženju postavlja pred knjižničare brojne zahtjeve i izazove. Potaknuti novim tehnološkim mogućnostima, korisnici knjižnica ubrzano mijenjaju načine pristupa informacijama, navike i potrebe što knjižničare motivira na uvođenje novih usluga u knjižnice, bavljenje novim vrstama poslova i usvajanje novih znanja i vještina. Knjižnične djelatnosti tako postaju sve raznolikije, a očituju se u učinkovitom korištenju postojećeg iskustva, u sposobnosti sagledavanja mogućnosti rješavanja problema i nestandardnim pristupima razvoju novih oblika, sredstava, tehnika i metoda prijenosa informacija (Makeeva, 2021). Opseg poslova koje knjižničari obavljaju u nekoj knjižnici uvelike ovisi o broju zaposlenih knjižničara, a specijalizacija za određene skupine poslova prisutna je samo u rijetkim knjižnicama s većim brojem zaposlenih knjižničara. U većini hrvatskih knjižnica opseg poslova je vrlo širok i uključuje sasvim nove pristupe tradicionalnim poslovima, kao što je npr. izgradnja zbirki (otvoreni repozitoriji i digitalizacija), te poslove koji su u knjižnice uvedeni tek posljednjih desetljeća, kao što su npr. briga o pravnim pitanjima i licenciranju. U izlaganju će biti predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja kojim su se nastojali zabilježiti svi poslovi koje obavljaju hrvatski knjižničari te kako oni samoprocjenjuju vlastite kompetencije za uspješno obavljanje pojedinih poslova.

              Anketnim upitnikom, koji je proveden tijekom 2021. godine i koji je obuhvatio više od tisuću knjižničara različitih vrsta knjižnica i svih razina stručnih zvanja iz knjižničarske struke, prikupljeni su i analizirani podaci kako bi se dobili odgovori na sljedeća istraživačka pitanja: Koje poslove obavljaju hrvatski knjižničari u najvećoj mjeri? Postoje li razlike u opsegu poslova s obzirom na vrstu knjižnice, godine starosti, stručnu spremu, županiju, knjižničarsko zvanje, radno mjesto, broj zaposlenih u knjižnici, radni staž, članstvo u udrugama i razinu upravljačkih odgovornosti? Gdje su najveći raskoraci između opsega poslova i samoprocjenjenih kompetencija? Koje kompetencije knjižničari samoprocjenjuju nedostatnim, tj. u kojim segmentima postoji potreba za usavršavanjem znanja i vještina knjižničara u Hrvatskoj?


Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo

c/o Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica u Zagrebu

Hrvatske bratske zajednice 4

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