17. dani specijalnih i visokoškolskih knjižnica, 2021.

Sponzori konferencije






Helping librarians in Supporting Scientists in natural sciences.
For the past two decades and technological advances, the needs of scientists have changed significantly. The scientific information has more than doubled since 2000, making the librarian’s role even more complex. They have to support scientists during their research, being an important hub of the information. One of their tasks is to find the most comprehensive resources with user-friendly interfaces, that will help with their R&D, and will save time.
At CAS, we have worked for more than 110 years on curating, connecting, and analyzing the world’s published science in chemistry and related fields to create such a resource of information, known worldwide as CAS SciFinder-n. It is the latest scientific information solution from CAS. CAS SciFindern includes relevance-ranked results, step-by-step procedures and protocols, citation mapping, biosequence searching, retrosynthetic prediction and analysis, patent landscape mapping, touch-screen enabled structure drawing and much more—all accessible in a simple, easy-to-use interface.
Chemical Abstracts Service, CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, is the world's authority for chemical information and indexes over 20,000 new disclosed substances every day. CAS maintains the world's most valuable collection of chemistry and related fields for scientific researchers, patent professionals and business leaders around the world. CAS collection can be found in the CAS solution SciFindern.
CAS SciFindern https://www.cas.org/solutions/cas-scifinder-discovery-platform/cas-scifinder is the latest scientific information solution from CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society. In addition to the reference, substance, reaction and supplier content found in CAS SciFinder®, CAS SciFindern includes relevance-ranked results, step-by-step procedures and protocols, citation mapping, biosequence searching, retrosynthetic analysis, patent landscape mapping, touch-screen enabled structure drawing and much more—all accessible in a simple, easy-to-use interface.
Scientific Knowledge Services

Scientific Knowledge Services

Scientific Knowledge Services (SKS) works with researchers and their support organisations like publishers and libraries to improve the production and dissemination of knowledge and to make Open Science a sustainable reality that enables higher quality in research. It specializes in helping such research organisations to embrace new technologies and ways of working. Since 2015, we’ve run a successful series of workshops in partnership with UCL Press and LIBER Europe - Focus On Open Science. The company is helping research organizations, libraries, and publishers to develop modern science communication programs, nurture communities or research practice, develop citizen science programs and offers consultancy for a transition to Open Science practices.
SKS offers consultancy for science administration, to public and private organisations about designing and implementing tailored strategies that embed open science approaches.
We offer insight into strategic scientific communication and research promotion in an age of open science and funders’ initiatives such as Plan S.
SKS promotes a model that combines Focus, Agility, Excellence and Coopetition across your organisation.
Royal Society of Chemistry

Royal Society of Chemistry

Royal Society of Chemistry https://www.rsc.org/
For everyone working with chemistry – for the future of the chemical sciences
With around 45,000 members from 124 countries and an international publishing and knowledge business, we are the UK’s professional body for chemical scientists with a heritage that spans almost 200 years.
A not-for-profit organisation, the surplus we generate from advertising and publishing goes back to the chemical sciences community. We support chemistry teachers, offer careers guidance and travel grants, we influence policymakers, and we create opportunities for collaboration between industry and academia.
A unique relationship with a global community
We support our members at every stage of professional life, providing resources and services both for them, and to help them to inspire others in the wider community.
● Education tools & course accreditation
● Professional awards & career guidance
● Impactful journal, book & database access
● Specialist websites & magazines
● An awards programme to recognise success
● Funding for travel, outreach & research
● An extensive event & conference calendar
● Campaigning & outreach opportunities
Excellence and Coopetition across your organisation.


Crescat - Materijali i oprema za restauratore, arhive, muzeje, knjižnice i privatne zbirke
Tvrtka Crescat d.o.o. specijalizirana je za nabavu i distribuciju materijala za preventivnu zaštitu kulturnog blaga, opreme za arhive, muzeje, knjižnice, pismohrane i privatne kolekcionare te materijala za restauratore. Od svog osnutka 2006. godine tvrtka Crescat je zahvaljujući angažmanu, fleksibilnosti, stalnoj težnji za izvrsnošću usluge i posebnom partnerskom odnosu s našim kupcima, postala pouzdan suradnik gotovo svih hrvatskih muzeja, arhiva te velikog broja knjižnica i privatnih kolekcionara, kao i brojnih kulturnih institucija u susjednim i mnogim europskim zemljama.


UPI2M BOOKS je knjižarska, nakladnička i distribucijska tvrtka koja objavljuje naslove iz područja arhitekture, graditeljstva, dizajna i umjetnosti ali i drugih znanstvenih i stručnih oblasti. Osim nakladničke i knjižarske djelatnosti važan segment našeg poslovanja čini i nabava i distribucija literature. Do sada je ostvarena suradnja s brojnim obrazovnim, znanstvenim i kulturnim institucijama i tvrtkama kojima kontinuirano osiguravamo nabavu stručne literature i periodike iz svih znanstvenih i umjetničkih područja.


Tvrtka Robert's d.o.o. osnovana je 2003. godine u Splitu. Tijekom godina poslovanja, tvrtka se afirmirala kao značajan dobavljač stručnih i akademskih knjiga i časopisa za institucionalne, ali i privatne korisnike na području Hrvatske. Prateći nove trendove i tehnologije na navedenom području, nabavljamo knjige i časopise ne samo u tiskanom nego i u elektroničkom obliku, osiguravamo pristupe bazama podataka, informacijskim servisima i sl. Tvrtka Robert's d.o.o. danas ima dugogodišnje ugovore i poslovnu suradnju sa gotovo svim značajnijim svjetskim izdavačima što nam omogućuje da našim korisnicima pružimo brzu i kvalitetnu uslugu nabavke stručne literature, online pristupa knjigama, časopisima i bazama podataka.

Više o

Hibridna konferencija Digitalna transformacija i knjižnice u posebnim okolnostima održava se u okviru 17. dana specijalnih i visokoškolskih knjižnica. Konferencija se održava u Lovranu, hotel Excelsior, od 30. rujna do 2. listopada 2021. te paralelno kao virtualna konferencija.


Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo

c/o Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica u Zagrebu

Hrvatske bratske zajednice 4

10000 Zagreb

Tel./Fax. +385 (0)1 615 93 20
Email: hkd@hkdrustvo.hr

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